Open Bat1K meetings -Batellites-

preliminary agenda


  • August 31st 2023 @16.00 CEST – CANCELLED DUE TO SUMMER BREAK
  • September 28th @16.00 CEST
    • please prepare your abstracts and upload them here
    • meeting link:
  • October 26th @16.00 CEST
  • November 30th @16.00 CEST
  • December: Christmas & New Years break
latest meeting history


  • June 29th 2023 @16:00 CEST:

  • May 25th 2023, @16:oo CEST: Batellite follow up!
    • Please use this ZOOM link to join us:

    • AGENDA:
        • Status update on assemblies/availability and database presentation
        • What do you need?
        • Update on observations from GBatNet
        • Define Working Groups and Projects
        • Presentations of ideas to the themed (breakout) groups
        • Titles/Abstracts request


May 25th Batellite, quick follow up

Dear Batellite attendees,

Thank you so much for joining us today, it is great to see how many of you are getting actively involved and how we are moving forward.

I am just sending you a super quick follow up email now, but more detailed emails will follow.

Here is the document that is pinned to our #general channel on Slack:

This document also includes a link that will lead you to the project / manuscript sheet. Please continue working on your project and abstract. If you are taking on leading roles, please limit yourself to two leads.

I have set up slack channels for the individual groups, they are public to the community and you can come join them to communicate with your colleagues.

Please also feel free to start setting up working group level meetings (consider the different time zones!) and report back to us! Don’t hesitate to reach out to people to get things moving 🙂 Please also don’t hesitate to reach out to fellow members if you could not join this meeting. This is what Slack is for.

Haven’t joined Slack yet? No worries, I got you, -but please sign up soon as the link will expire in a couple of days from now on:

Would you like to invite your colleagues to Bat1K and the Batellites? Then please feel free to forward anything important, but at the same time make sure that they sign up to Bat1K

This is not only important for record keeping purposes or our data sharing policies, but also because if they do not sign up, they do not end up on our mailinglists.

More to follow soon..

Best wishes,

April Batellite Follow Up:

Dear Bat1K community,

We were so pleased to meet with you all and hear the great ideas for bat genome related research that you discussed. There is so much that we can do with these amazing genomes to learn about the unique features, evolution and conservation of bats! We are very excited to help facilitate the formation of working groups moving forward.

In summary, we are aiming for a data freeze of genomes for later this year so we can all get started on creating some amazing science around these data. If there are additional data you feel are required or other genomes that we should include please get in touch with us.

Please now sign up to participate in the relevant working groups of your interest so we can make sure you are invited to the relevant meetings.

Each umbrella group is represented on a separate tab here (at the bottom of the document), and each working group in that tab is in its own column. You can sign up to be a part of as many working groups as you like, just add your name and email address in the relevant columns on each of the relevant tabs, name and email separated with a semi-colon (i.e.: “Meike Mai;”)

As we all discussed, we need 2-3 responsible individuals per working group to step forward to lead and organise these groups to help them move forward. We suggest that people lead no more than 2 groups maximum to prevent over commitment.

Responsible individuals must be willing to take on the following responsibilities:

-Organise regular meetings of the umbrella/working groups

-Reach out to the community to involve and invite relevant researchers

-Create and run Bat1k slack channels to coordinate communication (Meike can help with this)

-Assess and report on the data available and data needed

-Join the monthly Bat1k consortia level meetings to communicate with the wider group

You can volunteer to be a responsible individual for a working group by adding your name to the responsible individual cell in the spreadsheet. In the first meeting of the working groups, everyone should agree on who will take up this role based on these nominations.

Meike will be sending around monthly invites for consortium level batellite meetings that everyone is welcome to join so we can coordinate these efforts. The next Batellite is scheduled for May 25th, at 16:00 CEST.

We will also be in touch soon for updates on progress of the genomes and the data repository for sharing data pre-publication.

We welcome the contribution of any genomes that are at, or near, Bat1K standards ( and would like to hear of anything that is needed from the community to get and keep these projects moving.

Lastly, if you are attending the GBatNet meeting in Baltimore in May, please join David and Meike for the Bat1K lunch!

We are looking forward to working with you all and are extremely grateful for your contributions!

And to remind us all of what is possible, here is the cover of Science magazine published today with the zoonomia package and the question posed.. ”What can we do with a menagerie of mammal genomes?”

Imagine what we can do with a “bountiful of bats”

Let’s do some amazing science..

Best wishes,

Sonja, Emma, Meike and the whole Bat1K team

BAT1K Genome Consortium

2021 recordings


  • May 2021: click here to access the recording from the May 2021 Batellite, in which regional chair Dr Juan Vazquez from UC Berkeley introduced the Western Bats Genome Project
  • June 2021 : click here to access the recording from the June 2021 Batellite to get to know our regional chairs
  • October 2021: Conservation batellite to be uploaded soon
  • November 2021: click here to view our Bat1K assembly workshop 2021 that was led by our experts Martin Pipple and Tom Brown